After the circles were made, I made a second pair that were solid. The center of each circle was found and I made a hole in order to run the metal rod through. I set each circle down 4 inches apart so it would be proportional to myself and hot glued each piece to the rod.
After that I hot glued paper around the circles making a cone shape. Several layers were applied to make it even. Then holes were drilled so I could fill the empty areas with spray foam for extra support later on and also to make it stronger and hold better. Finally, the cone was fiber glassed. I will post more updates as I continue to finish the drill.
Update 1: Ok, So the drill was a little bit of a disaster. When I tested it, to see how well it spun, the drill cone continued to spin after the drill stopped. I ripped the metal rod out and I'll be making a new one except this time holes will be drilled into the rod and a pin will go through each hole. The cardboard pieces will have a notch where the pin will rest into it and then they will be epoxied in. For a little more reinforcement duct tape will be used to hold the cardboard pieces in place.
Update 2: I got a drill! All thanks to my friend E.J. Thank you E.J.!! The drill will be used to power, well, the drill! So much exclamation because I'm excited. Anyway, I took apart the drill and I will extend the wires so they can run up through the back. I'm going to get started on the drill again, once I get a few things. My father suggested that instead of using a solid steel pole that I should use a hollowed one with a thread so that I could put washers and nuts on it to hold the cardboard. This was an amazing suggestion because it solved the annoying "loose" problem I was having with the pole. When I get the nuts and washers I can put the cardboard in place and then tighten/ epoxy the pieces together, that way they do not continue to spin and the parts will be fairly secure.
Drill Before:

Drill After: